Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Edy's Little Brother

Not out of the womb yet, he is already uncooperative, so not a very good photo, but there he is. Dad tried to get a money shot, but Mom said that would be uncouth. We're very excited!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Anatomy Lesson

"I'm a girl, I have a bottom and a vagina. Daddy's a boy, you have a bottom and a peanut."

Monday, December 6, 2010

Riding the Carrot-sel

The whole family went downtown on Sunday to look at the lights and trees and decorations and such. We rode the carousel which Edy couldn't quite figure out how to pronounce (and maybe I don't know how to spell, but spellcheck is agreeing with me).
We also were going to go for a carriage ride, but Edy took a look at the 7' tall Clydesdale and decided she wasn't very interested. It was getting late anyway so we headed home. We are going to try again later and approach from the carriage side next time instead.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fun at Thankgiving

with D and L