Friday, December 6, 2013
Look What I Did!
We also decided to start putting them in bed at the same time since Edison was staying up until Edy's bedtime anyway.
To avoid going back and fourth between their beds on the opposite sides of the room, I had the bright idea to put them to sleep within sight of each other.
Edy was great, Edison was very excited. Bedtime is at 8, she went to sleep about 8:10. He stayed up until 8:40 looking around at his new digs.
We'll see if this works or was a just dumb luck this time.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Daddy/Daughter Adventure
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Edy Sleeping
First NW Bike Ride
Sunday, September 1, 2013
On the beach
Kindergarten Class
She is so looking forward to kindergarten.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Edison Kite Flying
We went with Tashana's brother and her niece and her Mom. We had a good time relaxing in spite of the cloudy days.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Boooomb Pop...
Monday, July 8, 2013
First Family Camping Trip
We were there from Thursday through Saturday night - an ambitious trip.
Thursday it rained all evening, we had hot soup for dinner because there was no way to start a fire in the rain. The rest of the time the weather was great, the camp was great, and the company was great. We were joined by our friends the Radens for the weekend, and the Wilkins also came and had dinner and hung out on Saturday.
We stayed in a yurt, which is a semi insulated, semi heated, temporary structure. Ours was about 14' in diameter and had 2 futons and a bunk bed. I don't consider futons usually camping, but these were pretty bad - almost as bad as sleeping on the ground.
To get to he campground, you had to cross over a 300' people only pedestrian bridge - it shook a little and was pretty cool.
We rode bikes, played a lot in the yard, and threw rocks in the river, dug in a mudslide. Roasted marshmallows, made friends, and had no major accidents.
Though Edison had a hard time adjusting to sleeping in bright conditions, (the yurt had a skylight), in the end it worked out OK. I might even agree to go again someday if my wife makes me.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Favorite Foods
Just finished lunch of fried chicken and potato chips (don't judge my nutritional choices), carrots and red peppers, with Edy, who is on he second post-lunch bowl of chips where she negotiated for every last chip she could get.
"Edy are potato chips your favorite food?"
She nods, because she has a chip in her mouth, then says "And candy and pizza."
You can tell we eat well around here.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Awesome Father's Day
Had a great Fathers Day last weekend. Got up late to blueberry pancakes and enough bacon that I actually got to eat some. I had the kids all day while Mom worked, and they were great.
When Mom got home we went to the park very briefly because Edy has been itching to use her pedal bike without training wheels. I heard from another dad that a great training field was on the playfields where they have that fake turf made of recycled rubber bits with the fake plastic grass on top. Nice and smooth, no bumps, no hills, and if you fall down, much less damage.
So this is Edy on her bike, after a push from Mom, riding like a champ.
The video is jumping around because I am running in front of her. She's awesome. For a less stomach turning view, try this one:
She didn't fall once, which I'm sure helped her confidence, though now she is scared to ride on the sidewalk or the street I think I sold the "won't hurt if you fall on the grass" a little too much.
Anyway, then went home to a good bottle of wine, steak and crab all prepared by my lovely wife. Outstanding day.
Oh, and if you can't see the video over email, go to
Nature Find
Today we found a live snail, and for some reason the shell and cute little tentacles on top don't gross me out the way slugs do, even though they both leave slime trails and are generally a squishy mass. There's probably a behavioral science thesis paper in that somewhere.
Edy was all over it. "Can we keep him as a pet?" Edison says "Put my hand," he wanted to hold it too. So we all got slimed.
Naked Edison and His Clean Balls
This also saves Mom and Dad from making the argument he actually has to stop playing to get into the bath.
This is Edison after bath yesterday with his prized possessions, sparkling clean.
Losing the First Tooth
Edy has been having a good time saying "Look Daddy!" then trying to get me to watch while she wiggles her tooth, which really gives me the heebie-jeebies. I don't like it when things move in ways they aren't supposed to.
I'm pretty sure it will be out by the end of the weekend.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The Intrepid Explorer
This is Edison exploring the new park in his lumberjack outfit and new (Edy's) backpack.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
It's Official
We got our official letter in the mail yesterday that Edy is going to Jane Addams - our first choice of Kindergardens. I hope we made the right one.
Quintessential Seattle Day
It was our first bike ride of the season. It wasn't too cold so the rain didn't really matter. Edy rode her balance bike all the way to and from Cafe Javasti, or as she calls it, Cafe Vajasti, which is about 1/2 mile from our house. Edison was ecstatic about his first ride in the seat behind dad. Mom met us after work at the cafe. Great afternoon.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
What else happened last weekend...
Wham went her chin. It is finally starting to heal today. It happened last Saturday. I think the top photo is Sunday, and the bottom one is Monday, when it really started to darken up.
When I picked Edy up and was holding her in my lap while she was crying and recovering, Edison ran over to Edy first thing and said "Hug" and leaned in to give her one, followed by "Kiss It" which is what we do when we get hurt in our house. It was adorable.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Edy in her Bunnysuit
She wore it to bed, and woke up in the middle of the night complaining her feet hurt (it is waaay to small). And she still wanted to wear it to bed the next night. Since she got paint on it in the morning, we told her it was dirty so she would have to wait.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Should have put out a tip jar
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Took this 30 seconds ago
Our home for the week
Decent snorkeling not too far from our room. Saw three turtles in our lagoon. Biggest was about 2 1/2 feet long across its shell. Angel fish, trigger fish, trumpet fish, red fish, blue fish, old fish, new fish.