Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just More Pictures

Just more pictures.

Late 5th Month Birthday Pic

Edy was 5 months on October 11th - we missed the picture by a few days, but I'm sure no one will notice. If you download the two pictures and flip them back and fourth real fast, it looks like she's laughing at you, though it's also a little creepy.

Edy Sits Solo

Edy began sitting up today, well, not began, but can officially, consistently stay upright on her own. I left her sitting up by herself on her play mat with a few toys while I played guitar for her, and she stayed there for 6 or 7 minutes before she toppled over. I count that as sitting on her own!

It is quite funny when she topples over. Since she has no idea what is actually happening, and of course has no actual dexterity to stop it anyway, she just face plants right over. When you watch someone trip, or start to fall, you are used to see them put a hand out to catch themselves, but with newborns, they just lead with the head.

Of course she doesn't hurt herself - she barely even goes bump (more of a rolling than a falling), but she does seem a little surprised when she is suddenly laying on her side.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kill the Wabbit

NewMom just informed me that the picture posted in the "Bunny Killer" post looks like it was staged. Alas! Trust dear readers, that it was not.
Though I was not able to catch her hands in the act of stuffing the bunny into her mouth (I had to get the camera at some point, I don't carry the thing on me), the ear munching and maniacal grin are totally, completely, and solely, Edy.

Bunny Killer

So Edy has become strong enough and coordinated enough to pull down the bunny rabbit that is attached to the papasan chair where she sometimes sits (thanks to Greg and Jaxx for the chair). I caught her one day munching on the bunny, and I had to take a picture.

Doctor Visit

Edy went in for an unscheduled doctor visit today. She has this dry cough that she does every so often - and lots of times when she laughs. Of course she didn't do it at all when she was there. But they checked everything out and said just watch her for breathing problems or if it gets any worse. So I hope she will get better.
She weighed in at 15 lbs, 11oz

Friday, October 10, 2008

Discerning Baby

I've think I've discovered that Edy is just a discerning baby. She ate from the bottle last week because she was really hungry, but hasn't done it since - until last night. NewMom was getting home a little late, so I tried the bottle again right before bedtime. Edy didn't take it the first time - but about 3 minutes later she drank about 2 1/2 oz and then went right to sleep.
I think she's just smart enough to know that of she can hold out long enough, she'll get the good stuff straight from the boob, so why should she eat the refrigerated bottle crap? But she's also smart enough to know if she's not eating any other way, she'll take it where she can get it.
The picture is from Edy's last month-Birthday - tomorrow is 5 months so you can compare.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Edy Finds Her Toes

Edy has discovered a fun activity. When she is on the changing table with her diaper off, she immediately lifts her legs up and starts gumming her toes. It's quite cute.

I think the diapers are too bulky to have her do it when she's got one one - and NewMom and I are not brave enough to let her roll around naked on the floor.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


I almost forgot about my scary moment this morning - this was the changing trip before the pooping (read on). Edy was a little fussy when I took her out of the swing to take her to the changing table, but nothing unusual. As I walked into the room, she started screaming - very unlike her.

I couldn't understand why, and started hurriedly taking off her diaper, thinking something was poking her or causing her pain somehow. I got it off and saw nothing in the night light, so I turned on the overhead light. When I did she sort of jostled and looked really surprised, and then she stopped screaming and began to calm down.

My best guess is that she was having a nightmare - even though her eyes were wide open. When I was a kid, I used to have these things - my parents used to have to sprinkle water in my face to wake me up. I wonder if I get to have some of that fun. :-(

Edy Takes the Bottle

So Edy was drinking from the bottle when she was about 1 1/2 months, and I was feeding her about 2-3 times per week from it. Well, things changed, and I missed about a week, and ever since, she has refused to eat from the bottle. She would task the bottle in her mouth, roll it around, but wouldn't actually eat anything. I though she had forgotten how.

So today Edy last ate at about 2:30, and she only had napped about 2 hours total since 8:AM this morning. It was 6:20 and NewMom was late getting back from work to breastfeed before bedtime. I had given up on even trying the bottle, but NewMom suggested I try it when I called to complain for coming home late.

So I heated up a little bit, expecting her to basically ignore it as usual, but instead she opened wide and gulped it down. I refilled the bottle with the rest of what we had (about 5 oz total) and she downed the whole thing. She finished up just as NewMom arrived home. After an impressive burp, she was out within 5 minutes of finishing.

I don't know if she will take it again, but I'm sure going to try again tomorrow.

By the way, she was such a champ today. I carted her around all day, she had very little time napping, yet she rarely cried all day. I think I have the best kid ever.

I Got Crapped On

So seriously - I did. This morning about 5:AM, I got up to change Edy. I put her on the changing table, took off her diaper and turned to the left to pick up another diaper.
I heard a scary squirting sound, looked right, and saw something leaving Edy in the vicinity of her bottom. Very shortly after, I felt something hit my leg, and heard something hit the floor with an unsatisfying splat.
I looked at Edy, and she wasn't really smiling, just looking kinda smug.