Thursday, November 27, 2008

First Food

Edy got her first taste of "real" food - (not breastmilk) on the 16th of November. We had a few friends over to have banana pancakes and for Edy to try some banana.
She seemed not to impressed. She was very interested in the actualy proces of eating, but not real fond of the taste of the banana. She did manage to put here hand into the bowel of banana and topple it.

I have a video I will attempt to paste, but it it quite large, so for now, he's some pictures.

Hudy Visit

The Hudy's visited Edy the weekend before last (sorry for the non-up to date posting). Laura and David are Edy's second cousin once removed, as best as we could figure out. That means that Edy's Great Grandmother was sisters with Laura and David's Grandmother.

Laura was in the northwest visiting from New York, visiting friends near Tacoma and her Brother Dave who is stationed here. We got a few pictures of Laura with Edy, but couldn't find the camera when David was playing with her. I know Laura got some and we will post them once she sends them.

Edy got stacking cups and a box of shapes as presents. She really enjoys the stacking cups, though NewDad may enjoy them more.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

6 Months Old

Lots to report. Edy turned 1/2 today. She weighs 16 lbs 2oz, and is 25.5" long, she has a head circumference of 43.5 cm. She is precisely average height and weight for her age, but her head ranks in the 75% - we're so proud!

The doctor said she's doing great, and to expect her to get 10 colds a year, each lasting 2 weeks, for the next two years. Holy crap Batman! - that means Edy will be sick for half of her life until she's 2 - but she will also be building lots of antibodies.
Speaking of antibodies, turning 1/2 means immunization shots - and boy do we love shots! Actually, it's a mixed blessing. NewDad and NewMom don't like to see our little girl get stuck and cry, but it seems each time she gets shots, she sleeps all night without waking up - she did that last night. I'm so confused, I kinda want her to get shots every day, no - don't want that, yes, I kinda do ...

NewDad also got his flu shot yesterday, and NewMom got hers a few weeks ago, so we are all protected.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Edy Sick Again

...and so is NewMom, which doesn't make anybody happy. Fortunately, Edy is a trooper, so she's still pretty happy.

NewMom has a VERY stuffy head, thumping headache, and a cough.

Edy has a cough, and lots of sneezing where snot gets blown out of her nose - I guess that IS the purpose of sneezing. Of course, it gets eveywhere, and it sometimes happens while you are taking pictures. She just hates it when you try to wipe it away, she throws her head side to side so I wind up wiping it all over her cheek before I get it off her face.
It's also really gross, and I feel so bad for her when I hear this snort, snot, gulp, and I know she just swallowed that big bunch of crap that gets lodged in the back of your throat, and there's no other way to get it out. Poor kid.

Found Uncle Dave

I DID find a few pictures of Edy with Uncle Dave, so here's the best one:

Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween - 1 week Late

As Uncle Dave arrived last week, Auntie Joanne was leaving, but not before she and NewMom took Edy trick or treating in her pumpkin costume. Though NewMom wouldn't let Edy collect any candy in her GrandMom supplied trick or treating bag, a good time was had by all.

That pumpkin costume is just a tad on the cute side.

Uncle Dave Visits

Uncle Dave was in town last weekend, and met his niece for the first time. I'm not sure Edy knew what to do with him - she usually takes a lot of time to get to know new people before she jumps in - but she eventually came around.

I think Uncle Dave really enjoyed the 5:30 AM diaper changing and play time that Edy allotted to him, especially while he was on vacation. Since she's happiest when she first wakes up in the morning - I'm sure she enjoyed those times even more than he did.

I lament the fact that we have no pictures of Uncle Dave and Edy. NewMom asked the afternoon after Uncle Dave left if I had taken any pictures of the two of them together - I hadn't. Then we realized we had no pictures of them together. I don't think Uncle Dave took any either, but if he did we'll have to find and post them.

That just means that uncle Dave will have to come back soon and we'll take some pictures that time! I promise.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Edy Rolls Over!

I only heard this second hand today from NewMom, but Edy rolled over today, from front to back. NewMom put her down for tummy time with her arms outstretched in front of her, she scooched forward until one arm was trapped underneath her, then pushed off with the other one and viola, rollover!

The jury is still out, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't intentional. Although I am pretty sure the effort was inspired by the new energy surging through America due to our new President-Elect.

The picture is a random one of Edy interested in the camera.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ughh, Not Keeping Up

I'm really sorry, I can't believe it's been almost a month since I updated. So real quick and I'll do one of these now, then per day for the rest of the week if I can remember.

I think Edy kissed me yesterday. Of course NewMom and I kiss her all the time, though NewMom won't kiss her on her drooling mouth like I will.

So yesterday, I had my head on the floor near hers while she was sitting up playing with her toys. She reached over and put her hand on my head, then leaned down and just touched her lips to my head, then sat back up again. I melted. She did it 2 more times in the next three minutes, so I'm pretty sure it was intentional.

What I don't know is if she was just trying to gum my head, but it was too big to fit in her mouth, so she immediately gave up. :-)