...and so is NewMom, which doesn't make anybody happy. Fortunately, Edy is a trooper, so she's still pretty happy.
NewMom has a VERY stuffy head, thumping headache, and a cough.
Edy has a cough, and lots of sneezing where snot gets blown out of her nose - I guess that IS the purpose of sneezing. Of course, it gets eveywhere, and it sometimes happens while you are taking pictures. She just hates it when you try to wipe it away, she throws her head side to side so I wind up wiping it all over her cheek before I get it off her face.
It's also really gross, and I feel so bad for her when I hear this snort, snot, gulp, and I know she just swallowed that big bunch of crap that gets lodged in the back of your throat, and there's no other way to get it out. Poor kid.
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