Thursday, December 11, 2008

Edy Sleeps Tonight

Edy slept in her crib all night last night!

For those of you who aren't following closely, Edy has been spending her nights for the past 5 months in a cradle swing thing. Way back when she was 1 or 2 months old, we found she slept longer in the swing than in the crib, so we have just been putting her in the swing for all of her naps during the day and at night. It has worked very well.

We knew she would eventually outgrow the swing, so we have been putting her in the crib for the past few weeks for naps during the day, and she has adjusted pretty well. So last night, we put her in the crib and she slept through the night (except for her normal 2:AM wake up, which she did in the swing as well.) Yea Edy!

She has also been really good at getting herself back to sleep, or getting herself to sleep in the first place, which is also a major step for infant sleep.

I'm so happy I don't have to build a swinging bed for her to take to college now!