Edy and NewMom just got back from visiting NewGrandmom in Virginia fro a whole week. NewDad was left at home, conflicted. On one hand, he sorely missed NewMom and his little girl. On the other hand, he got a lot of stuff done and slept very well.
I will string out happenings over the next few entries, but to condense: Edy's travel score is a C. She did very well actually on the plane, but sleeping nights when she was there was just not happening. She seems to be doing well the first night back home - at least so far.
She was the darling of the flight home to everyone except the guy who was seated in front of her - he deserved it for reclining his seat on an afternoon flight while sitting in front of a woman who has a 9 month old babe in arms.
The flight attendants liked her so much they asked her to pose for a photo op.
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