Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Adorable! Best Show My Daughter Has Ever Done

...were the reviews given by the crowd watching a group of 5-7 year olds sing.

Edy went to Broadway Bound theatre camp last week - every day from 9-3, which culminated in a performance of songs from the movie "Frozen" on Friday. Each little girl, (there were no boys) did a little acting part introduction before the song, then they sang the songs as a group, including hand motions.

Just after the performance, I asked Edy how she felt and if she was nervous. She told "I was really nervous right before I got on the stage, but then I got really excited." An actor in the making!

That is Edy just to the right of the microphone stand while some other girls are doing their acting introduction. I will post some videos if I can get them uploaded to the blog.