Friday, December 19, 2008

Swing Free

I was reading through my old entries and realized I hadn't mentioned we are now swing-free! The transition from swing to crib went over almost without a hitch. We actually moved the swing out of our room a few days ago after it spent a week unused.

Using this child as my only limited example, I certainly would use the swing again (and we will keep it in case of kid #2). I think it gave NewMom and I a lot more opportunities to sleep than if we hadn't used it. And getting her out of it was much simpler than we thought it might be.

Just Happenings

There's not a WHOLE lot of exciting news going on. Edy seems to finally be on a consistent sleep cycle. She goes to bed at 5:30, gets up about 1:30 or 2 to eat, then sleeps through until about 5:30. A pretty good night all around. Recently, she's started to get up about 4:30 or so. We kind of ignore her, because we don't want to teach her to get up earlier and earlier to play, so she just goes back to sleep or is quiet by herself for 45 min or so (I actually don't know how long, I'm sleeping)

I think we've been "training" her well. We have been able to put her back to sleep with just a pat and a binky (pacifier) on the few occasions where she has been awake between the above times. That process only takes about 2 minutes - I barely have to wake up! And on some occasions she has been put in her crib wide awake and kicking, and she has babbled herself to sleep while we are not even in the room. Yea Edy!

She still shows no interest in rolling over - though she does it quite often seemingly by accident. She goes from front to back easily, and on the changing table contorts herself so she could easily go back to front, but has never done it on any other flat surface.

She loves to stand up, and of you put her near table or couch where she can rest her hands, she'll stand there for 3 or 4 minutes until she wants to sit down. Unfortunately, then she just falls over. She also likes to walk around when you hold her up by the arms and she can kick her feet around.

I'll upload some cute pictures after I get them out of the camera this weekend. We have some cute Christmas pictures.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

No Like Edy

It seems that Edy has taken NewDad's attitude toward food - that is she doesn't like anything that's new. Problem is, at this time, all food is new.
We have tried feeding her bananas, avocados, eggs, sweet potato, and applesauce, and she doesn't seem to really like any of them. She has even started to purse her lips when the spoon gets near so you can't stuff any in her mouth.
So it seems she has inherited NewDad's food preferences. As a child, NewDad's grandma had a moniker for him when it came to food: No Like Mike.

New Pictures

Just some new uber cute pictures to post. She hasn't quite figured out how to make the loud noises yet, but she loves to chew on that spoon.

Edy Sleeps Tonight

Edy slept in her crib all night last night!

For those of you who aren't following closely, Edy has been spending her nights for the past 5 months in a cradle swing thing. Way back when she was 1 or 2 months old, we found she slept longer in the swing than in the crib, so we have just been putting her in the swing for all of her naps during the day and at night. It has worked very well.

We knew she would eventually outgrow the swing, so we have been putting her in the crib for the past few weeks for naps during the day, and she has adjusted pretty well. So last night, we put her in the crib and she slept through the night (except for her normal 2:AM wake up, which she did in the swing as well.) Yea Edy!

She has also been really good at getting herself back to sleep, or getting herself to sleep in the first place, which is also a major step for infant sleep.

I'm so happy I don't have to build a swinging bed for her to take to college now!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

First Food

Edy got her first taste of "real" food - (not breastmilk) on the 16th of November. We had a few friends over to have banana pancakes and for Edy to try some banana.
She seemed not to impressed. She was very interested in the actualy proces of eating, but not real fond of the taste of the banana. She did manage to put here hand into the bowel of banana and topple it.

I have a video I will attempt to paste, but it it quite large, so for now, he's some pictures.

Hudy Visit

The Hudy's visited Edy the weekend before last (sorry for the non-up to date posting). Laura and David are Edy's second cousin once removed, as best as we could figure out. That means that Edy's Great Grandmother was sisters with Laura and David's Grandmother.

Laura was in the northwest visiting from New York, visiting friends near Tacoma and her Brother Dave who is stationed here. We got a few pictures of Laura with Edy, but couldn't find the camera when David was playing with her. I know Laura got some and we will post them once she sends them.

Edy got stacking cups and a box of shapes as presents. She really enjoys the stacking cups, though NewDad may enjoy them more.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

6 Months Old

Lots to report. Edy turned 1/2 today. She weighs 16 lbs 2oz, and is 25.5" long, she has a head circumference of 43.5 cm. She is precisely average height and weight for her age, but her head ranks in the 75% - we're so proud!

The doctor said she's doing great, and to expect her to get 10 colds a year, each lasting 2 weeks, for the next two years. Holy crap Batman! - that means Edy will be sick for half of her life until she's 2 - but she will also be building lots of antibodies.
Speaking of antibodies, turning 1/2 means immunization shots - and boy do we love shots! Actually, it's a mixed blessing. NewDad and NewMom don't like to see our little girl get stuck and cry, but it seems each time she gets shots, she sleeps all night without waking up - she did that last night. I'm so confused, I kinda want her to get shots every day, no - don't want that, yes, I kinda do ...

NewDad also got his flu shot yesterday, and NewMom got hers a few weeks ago, so we are all protected.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Edy Sick Again

...and so is NewMom, which doesn't make anybody happy. Fortunately, Edy is a trooper, so she's still pretty happy.

NewMom has a VERY stuffy head, thumping headache, and a cough.

Edy has a cough, and lots of sneezing where snot gets blown out of her nose - I guess that IS the purpose of sneezing. Of course, it gets eveywhere, and it sometimes happens while you are taking pictures. She just hates it when you try to wipe it away, she throws her head side to side so I wind up wiping it all over her cheek before I get it off her face.
It's also really gross, and I feel so bad for her when I hear this snort, snot, gulp, and I know she just swallowed that big bunch of crap that gets lodged in the back of your throat, and there's no other way to get it out. Poor kid.

Found Uncle Dave

I DID find a few pictures of Edy with Uncle Dave, so here's the best one:

Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween - 1 week Late

As Uncle Dave arrived last week, Auntie Joanne was leaving, but not before she and NewMom took Edy trick or treating in her pumpkin costume. Though NewMom wouldn't let Edy collect any candy in her GrandMom supplied trick or treating bag, a good time was had by all.

That pumpkin costume is just a tad on the cute side.

Uncle Dave Visits

Uncle Dave was in town last weekend, and met his niece for the first time. I'm not sure Edy knew what to do with him - she usually takes a lot of time to get to know new people before she jumps in - but she eventually came around.

I think Uncle Dave really enjoyed the 5:30 AM diaper changing and play time that Edy allotted to him, especially while he was on vacation. Since she's happiest when she first wakes up in the morning - I'm sure she enjoyed those times even more than he did.

I lament the fact that we have no pictures of Uncle Dave and Edy. NewMom asked the afternoon after Uncle Dave left if I had taken any pictures of the two of them together - I hadn't. Then we realized we had no pictures of them together. I don't think Uncle Dave took any either, but if he did we'll have to find and post them.

That just means that uncle Dave will have to come back soon and we'll take some pictures that time! I promise.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Edy Rolls Over!

I only heard this second hand today from NewMom, but Edy rolled over today, from front to back. NewMom put her down for tummy time with her arms outstretched in front of her, she scooched forward until one arm was trapped underneath her, then pushed off with the other one and viola, rollover!

The jury is still out, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't intentional. Although I am pretty sure the effort was inspired by the new energy surging through America due to our new President-Elect.

The picture is a random one of Edy interested in the camera.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ughh, Not Keeping Up

I'm really sorry, I can't believe it's been almost a month since I updated. So real quick and I'll do one of these now, then per day for the rest of the week if I can remember.

I think Edy kissed me yesterday. Of course NewMom and I kiss her all the time, though NewMom won't kiss her on her drooling mouth like I will.

So yesterday, I had my head on the floor near hers while she was sitting up playing with her toys. She reached over and put her hand on my head, then leaned down and just touched her lips to my head, then sat back up again. I melted. She did it 2 more times in the next three minutes, so I'm pretty sure it was intentional.

What I don't know is if she was just trying to gum my head, but it was too big to fit in her mouth, so she immediately gave up. :-)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just More Pictures

Just more pictures.

Late 5th Month Birthday Pic

Edy was 5 months on October 11th - we missed the picture by a few days, but I'm sure no one will notice. If you download the two pictures and flip them back and fourth real fast, it looks like she's laughing at you, though it's also a little creepy.

Edy Sits Solo

Edy began sitting up today, well, not began, but can officially, consistently stay upright on her own. I left her sitting up by herself on her play mat with a few toys while I played guitar for her, and she stayed there for 6 or 7 minutes before she toppled over. I count that as sitting on her own!

It is quite funny when she topples over. Since she has no idea what is actually happening, and of course has no actual dexterity to stop it anyway, she just face plants right over. When you watch someone trip, or start to fall, you are used to see them put a hand out to catch themselves, but with newborns, they just lead with the head.

Of course she doesn't hurt herself - she barely even goes bump (more of a rolling than a falling), but she does seem a little surprised when she is suddenly laying on her side.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kill the Wabbit

NewMom just informed me that the picture posted in the "Bunny Killer" post looks like it was staged. Alas! Trust dear readers, that it was not.
Though I was not able to catch her hands in the act of stuffing the bunny into her mouth (I had to get the camera at some point, I don't carry the thing on me), the ear munching and maniacal grin are totally, completely, and solely, Edy.

Bunny Killer

So Edy has become strong enough and coordinated enough to pull down the bunny rabbit that is attached to the papasan chair where she sometimes sits (thanks to Greg and Jaxx for the chair). I caught her one day munching on the bunny, and I had to take a picture.

Doctor Visit

Edy went in for an unscheduled doctor visit today. She has this dry cough that she does every so often - and lots of times when she laughs. Of course she didn't do it at all when she was there. But they checked everything out and said just watch her for breathing problems or if it gets any worse. So I hope she will get better.
She weighed in at 15 lbs, 11oz

Friday, October 10, 2008

Discerning Baby

I've think I've discovered that Edy is just a discerning baby. She ate from the bottle last week because she was really hungry, but hasn't done it since - until last night. NewMom was getting home a little late, so I tried the bottle again right before bedtime. Edy didn't take it the first time - but about 3 minutes later she drank about 2 1/2 oz and then went right to sleep.
I think she's just smart enough to know that of she can hold out long enough, she'll get the good stuff straight from the boob, so why should she eat the refrigerated bottle crap? But she's also smart enough to know if she's not eating any other way, she'll take it where she can get it.
The picture is from Edy's last month-Birthday - tomorrow is 5 months so you can compare.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Edy Finds Her Toes

Edy has discovered a fun activity. When she is on the changing table with her diaper off, she immediately lifts her legs up and starts gumming her toes. It's quite cute.

I think the diapers are too bulky to have her do it when she's got one one - and NewMom and I are not brave enough to let her roll around naked on the floor.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


I almost forgot about my scary moment this morning - this was the changing trip before the pooping (read on). Edy was a little fussy when I took her out of the swing to take her to the changing table, but nothing unusual. As I walked into the room, she started screaming - very unlike her.

I couldn't understand why, and started hurriedly taking off her diaper, thinking something was poking her or causing her pain somehow. I got it off and saw nothing in the night light, so I turned on the overhead light. When I did she sort of jostled and looked really surprised, and then she stopped screaming and began to calm down.

My best guess is that she was having a nightmare - even though her eyes were wide open. When I was a kid, I used to have these things - my parents used to have to sprinkle water in my face to wake me up. I wonder if I get to have some of that fun. :-(

Edy Takes the Bottle

So Edy was drinking from the bottle when she was about 1 1/2 months, and I was feeding her about 2-3 times per week from it. Well, things changed, and I missed about a week, and ever since, she has refused to eat from the bottle. She would task the bottle in her mouth, roll it around, but wouldn't actually eat anything. I though she had forgotten how.

So today Edy last ate at about 2:30, and she only had napped about 2 hours total since 8:AM this morning. It was 6:20 and NewMom was late getting back from work to breastfeed before bedtime. I had given up on even trying the bottle, but NewMom suggested I try it when I called to complain for coming home late.

So I heated up a little bit, expecting her to basically ignore it as usual, but instead she opened wide and gulped it down. I refilled the bottle with the rest of what we had (about 5 oz total) and she downed the whole thing. She finished up just as NewMom arrived home. After an impressive burp, she was out within 5 minutes of finishing.

I don't know if she will take it again, but I'm sure going to try again tomorrow.

By the way, she was such a champ today. I carted her around all day, she had very little time napping, yet she rarely cried all day. I think I have the best kid ever.

I Got Crapped On

So seriously - I did. This morning about 5:AM, I got up to change Edy. I put her on the changing table, took off her diaper and turned to the left to pick up another diaper.
I heard a scary squirting sound, looked right, and saw something leaving Edy in the vicinity of her bottom. Very shortly after, I felt something hit my leg, and heard something hit the floor with an unsatisfying splat.
I looked at Edy, and she wasn't really smiling, just looking kinda smug.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Edy and her Presents

Other than Edy squeaking and squawking - which I am trying to get recorded to post - I thought I would post a picture of Edy and some of her gifts she got for her birthday - her actual birth day.

The first one is her making maximum use of the boppy for tummy time (mid June) on a blanket she also got a a present, the second one is of Edy and her kitty (mid September). She is sleeping with it each night, and we hope it will help her make the transition from swing to crib.

The third one is of Edy and her Squish - the science project looking thing, and Sophie, her rubber giraffe chew toy.

The last one was just so cute I posted it. Sorry it's a little blurry

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Too Cute

Ok, so NewMom showed me some pictures she took of us today before we went for a walk around the block - Edy is in my favorite Gilligan hat. Boy it's going to be sad when she grows out of it.

Historical Post

Let's see, Edy's new thing is to squeak like R2D2 all day. But images don't catch those sounds very well, so I will post pics from the past.

These are from the end of June, and they came recently after I read in a "Parenting" magazine that you should not only take pictures of your baby smiling - but try to catch the range of emotions. I took it to heart. She so little.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Muppet Smile

I have to post the video of the Muppet Smile. Since Edy has no teeth yet, when she gets really happy she opens her mouth wide and just looks really happy - kinda like a muppet. So watch close and listen for NewMom and you can maybe just catch it.

Good Sleeper

We thought we were having problems with Edy sleeping. She sleeps in a swing that keeps her constantly in motion, and we've been worried if this is bad. Since we are intellectuals (and intellectuals study what people do naturally - Bill Cosby) we went to a couple of sleep seminars.

We found out that in comparison, we are having a fairly easy time of it. She sleeps for two 5 hour or so stretches at night. It's kind of a pain because she sleeps from 7-12, then from 1 to 6 or so, when we would like her to sleep 9-2, the 3 to 8, but so it goes. She sometimes wakes up a couple of other random times, (NewMom may have a different take since she is the one who feeds her when she gets up) but in general she's a pretty good sleeper.

Some of the kids in the seminar were putting their parents through hell - waking every 1.5 hours - even at night, to feed, some screaming at night for hours - horrible stuff, so I came thinking we have a pretty easy kid. Yeah Edy!

Attached is a picture of Edy back in early July in her swing. This one has since broke, and we bought another.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Trying Again

OK, I've been a very poor blogger, but I want to get back into it, so I am committing to at least a post every two days, and I'll be filling in for days where nothing happens with some older photos and information.

So let's start here.
Edy has been sick for the last 5-6 days. She has a cold and I feel so miserable for her. She has a runny nose and a little cough. When she breathes, she sounds like she's almost underwater. We tried to suction her out with one of those dropper things, but it didn't really work.

Amazingly, she seems to remain in good spirits, is still smiling a lot, and still sleeping OK. She's a trooper.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Bottle Semi-Success

Ok, last post for today. Edy had he first breast milk from a bottle. She seemed to do OK, though it seemed she got just as much down the front of her made it into her stomach. I'm hoping with bottle feeding, it will let NewMom get out of the house a little more often and for longer a longer time.

Some Make-Up Photos

In case you aren't getting tired of seeing pictures of my kid - here are more from that Birthday until the post the two weeks following. I particularly like the one where she is smiling - but not at me - she's just sleeping and having a very good dream. look at those dimples.

Three Generations

Grandma Tonjia and Grandpa Stan were over yesterday with cousins Bridgett and Michael. For some reason we didn't take any digital photos with the cousins, but did of of Grandma and Grandpa with NewDad and NewMom and Edy.

Edy with her eyes open

So my Mom said that there are no pictures with her eyes open. That's because there is so little time with her eyes open.
But I waited like the Omaha Wild Kingdom photographer and caught these at just the right moment. She hasn't quite learned to smile yet, so that will be another Wild Kingdom adventure!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Two Week Visit

Sorry there's been no entry for a long time, of course, since no one know this is here yet, I don't think it matters.

Edy went to the doctor today and had a great visit. She is back up to her birth weight and is doing great. We even got a "you have a really cute baby" out of one of the nurses, and she's seen a lot of babies, and I'm sure she doesn't say that to every parent.