Friday, December 19, 2008

Swing Free

I was reading through my old entries and realized I hadn't mentioned we are now swing-free! The transition from swing to crib went over almost without a hitch. We actually moved the swing out of our room a few days ago after it spent a week unused.

Using this child as my only limited example, I certainly would use the swing again (and we will keep it in case of kid #2). I think it gave NewMom and I a lot more opportunities to sleep than if we hadn't used it. And getting her out of it was much simpler than we thought it might be.

Just Happenings

There's not a WHOLE lot of exciting news going on. Edy seems to finally be on a consistent sleep cycle. She goes to bed at 5:30, gets up about 1:30 or 2 to eat, then sleeps through until about 5:30. A pretty good night all around. Recently, she's started to get up about 4:30 or so. We kind of ignore her, because we don't want to teach her to get up earlier and earlier to play, so she just goes back to sleep or is quiet by herself for 45 min or so (I actually don't know how long, I'm sleeping)

I think we've been "training" her well. We have been able to put her back to sleep with just a pat and a binky (pacifier) on the few occasions where she has been awake between the above times. That process only takes about 2 minutes - I barely have to wake up! And on some occasions she has been put in her crib wide awake and kicking, and she has babbled herself to sleep while we are not even in the room. Yea Edy!

She still shows no interest in rolling over - though she does it quite often seemingly by accident. She goes from front to back easily, and on the changing table contorts herself so she could easily go back to front, but has never done it on any other flat surface.

She loves to stand up, and of you put her near table or couch where she can rest her hands, she'll stand there for 3 or 4 minutes until she wants to sit down. Unfortunately, then she just falls over. She also likes to walk around when you hold her up by the arms and she can kick her feet around.

I'll upload some cute pictures after I get them out of the camera this weekend. We have some cute Christmas pictures.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

No Like Edy

It seems that Edy has taken NewDad's attitude toward food - that is she doesn't like anything that's new. Problem is, at this time, all food is new.
We have tried feeding her bananas, avocados, eggs, sweet potato, and applesauce, and she doesn't seem to really like any of them. She has even started to purse her lips when the spoon gets near so you can't stuff any in her mouth.
So it seems she has inherited NewDad's food preferences. As a child, NewDad's grandma had a moniker for him when it came to food: No Like Mike.

New Pictures

Just some new uber cute pictures to post. She hasn't quite figured out how to make the loud noises yet, but she loves to chew on that spoon.

Edy Sleeps Tonight

Edy slept in her crib all night last night!

For those of you who aren't following closely, Edy has been spending her nights for the past 5 months in a cradle swing thing. Way back when she was 1 or 2 months old, we found she slept longer in the swing than in the crib, so we have just been putting her in the swing for all of her naps during the day and at night. It has worked very well.

We knew she would eventually outgrow the swing, so we have been putting her in the crib for the past few weeks for naps during the day, and she has adjusted pretty well. So last night, we put her in the crib and she slept through the night (except for her normal 2:AM wake up, which she did in the swing as well.) Yea Edy!

She has also been really good at getting herself back to sleep, or getting herself to sleep in the first place, which is also a major step for infant sleep.

I'm so happy I don't have to build a swinging bed for her to take to college now!