Tuesday, January 27, 2009

She Poops, She Crawls, She Stands, She Cruises!

Well, it has been a heckuva last three days.
We were worried for a bit, OK, NewMom was worried, that Edy hasn't had a movement for 7 days as of Sunday, but then it all happened. Luckily, I mean too bad for NewDad, he was doing yard work (yes, in the middle of winter - whole other story) when it happened, so he was unable to be contacted for cleanup of the toxic site. But on to less disgusting and more fun news...

Edy is crawling forward - finally, after almost 6 weeks of getting on her knees and scooting backwards and rocking back and fourth. I don't know what did it - she just sort of started leaning forward and staying on her hands and knees instead of falling on her stomach and away she used to. NewMom says her favorite item to chase is her mobile phone placed just out of reach, and she will really go after it. I haven't seen it yet.

Also, Edy pulled herself up to standing in the bathtub form a sitting position, using only the edge of the tub for support. She did a repeat performance for NewMom, but I don't think that's the place we really want her practicing that skill often.
Finally, she has begun cruising - meaning she travels while holding on to other non-moving objects, like coffee tables and sofas. It takes her a while, and she needs motivation, but she rarely falls, and does a good job of landing on her butt and upright when she does. NewDad has to be careful, he is a bit cocky and thinks she can handle it on her own and probably doesn't stay as close to her as he should. Then again, she fell down once today and looked at NewDad ready to cry, but NewDad just continued on building his tower with blocks like nothing happened, so she just carried on her merry way.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First Tooth

Well Edy finally has her first tooth, though you can't quite see it yet - believe me we would have photographed it by now. She wasn't really that grumpy while teething, but you can feel the tooth - definitely can feel the tooth - just ask NewMom about the breastfeeding now.

Also on the crawiling front - she's still not quite doing it. I think she took two lunges forward today, which almost counts, but since I don't know if it was intentional, I don't think I can get that excited about it.

She can stand in one place without falling with no support for about 10 seconds. And she loves to stand against the sofa, or hold on to the footstool and play with whatever is in reach on top of the footstool. She has also started cruising around the footstool on her own - though she moves very slowly and we are are still catching her when she falls.

I think she might just skip crawling.

Edy's Blessing Day

One of these days, I will write enough posts so that I can stop apologizing for not posting more. But that day is not today.

Edy's Blessing Day was last Saturday, we did a small in-home ceremony to wish Edythe all the best in the life she has ahead of her.

Her surrogate grandpa Vaughn Hoffman did the opening Invocation, then NewMom and I recommitted to the vows we made as to how we promised each other we would raise our family. We asked others support in doing the same, and though we didn't vote individually, I think everyone was a go.

Finally, some people read their individual blessing they wrote for Edythe aloud, and there were some great ones, though I'm no going to play favorites. We ended with a singalong, and a closing gathering where everyone held hands.

It was great, I want to thank everyone who came, and all those who sent a blessing. It meant a lot to NewMom also. Once Edy got used to being the center of attention and being in the crowd I think she did OK too.

We haven't got the photos back from our official photographer yet, but Auntie Ann did get some good shots and even a little non-embarrassing video. Go to http://picasaweb.google.com/annfuchs/EdytheSBlessingDay# for the early pics. I'm sure I will post more once I see them.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Long Time No Post

So much to say. It's amazing that time flies by without me writing in this thing.

So Edy enjoyed her first Christmas, or what she understood of it, which I think was nothing unusual. She does enjoy grabbing the tree when it is in range and stuffing all the ribbons and crinkly wrapping paper that she can reach into her mouth.

She got lots of cool stuff. Grandmom K got her a bunch of cool toys, and NewDad's brother and sister got her some great clothes and the most fantastic wool boots (they make NewMom and NewDad look cool when she wears them). NewDad's other brother got her a great onsie - (see picture), and NewMom's brother got her this very cute Chrsitmas Grinch that is about as big as she is.

Of course, her favorite toy is always the one that you never expect. Grandma R sent a little mini rolling pin. It's kind of heavy, but it makes just a slight squeek when the rolling part moves. She seems to gravitate toward that one the most. She likes to chew on the handles and swing it around.
More to come soon...