Saturday, November 26, 2011

Edison's Mirror

This is Edison's favorite toy while sitting up. He entertains himself looking at the "other" baby in the mirror.

Week of Firsts

Edison has had lots of firsts this week.

On Sunday, he had his first food. Mashed sweet potato and momma milk. He was not impressed.

On Tuesday, he rolled over for the first time, though nobody saw it. Mom happened to be turned around, and no one else was home. He hasn't done it again.

That same night was his first night sleeping unswaddled. He still can't figure out what to do with his arms when he is in bed.

Also this week, he has begun to sit up on his own. He is pretty much stable until he has to reach far to the right or left, then he takes a tumble. Or if he gets too excited and kicks his legs, he's headed backward. But stayed up for about 20 minutes on his own today.

Things kids say...

Edy: "Daddy!"
Dad, no yet turning around: "Yes Sweety?"
Edy: "Ow"

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kids say the Darndest things...

Dad at bedtime: "Did you cooperate with momma for bath and teeth brushing?"
Edy: "Ummm, I assume so."

Catch Up Pictures

From about 3 weeks ago. Edy loves to hug on her brother.


Edy is getting very interested and adept at climbing. The part of this that I like the most is that she tried this same thing about 10 minutes earlier, and she got scared and I needed to get her down. Then she starts climbing again and has no problem, while I'm 8 feet away filming.

Trick or Treat

This one is from Halloween night. Edy and her BFF in costume at one of our local businesses getting candy. Edy went as a princess of course, her BFF went as pro-feminist Wonder Woman.

P.S. It is scary that Edy has the sorority girl pose down so soon.

Album Cover

Tashana took he kids for a walk and did some a self shot rap album cover circa 1992. Edison is obviously the crazy one, Edy is the smart aleck, and Tashana is the GrandMaster.