Tuesday, July 14, 2009

White Trash Swimming Pool

So our friends Jen and Paolo have this extraordinarily cool turtle swimming pool that Edy loves to play in with their son. Unfortunately we have no cool pool, so we let her climb in and out of our lasagna pan.

When outside and feeling uppity, Edy starts throwing gang signs, I mean, uh, pointing.

Plumbing Fun

NewDad got the pleasure of getting a phone call at work yesterday where NewMom told him that the toilet was plugged up and she didn't know why. Well, she kind of new why, but didn't know exactly what was down there - the glittery gold ball was accounted for, the other balls wouldn't fit - no little paper book parts surfaced when she plunged the toilet. Whatever could it be?

So NewDad spent an hour last night removing the toilet, and looking in the bottom to find a measuring tape that NewMom had given Edy to with only that afternoon. So hopefully we learned a lesson about keeping the toilet seat down...

Only the future holds the answers...

Trying Something New

I don't know if her Uncle Jo will ever kiss her again...

Eating on her own

Edy decided she is going to eat with a fork or spoon. Sometimes she gets a little frustrated and digs in with her hands, but she makes a consistent effort with the spoon first.
She's tried yogurt, applesauce, and Cheerios so far. Those Cheerios are tough though - she doesn't get them with milk yet, and they aren't very sticky.

More Words

Get ready for a flurry of updates.

The first one: Edy is developing quite a vocabulary. She now say ball, baby, and bath clearly enough for anyone to understand, she's good on the "B's". She also says up, teeth (as in brushing), and uh-oh. She signs words for cat, dog, brushing (as in teeth) and guitar (she made those up herself), airplane/bird, more, milk, sleepy, all done, parent (there doesn't seem to be a difference in the sign for Mom or for Dad), eat, and drink. I'm sure there is a few I am forgetting. She is obviously a girl-genius. :-).

My favorite though, is this morning when we got up, she made the sign for eat, then she made the sign and said the word - "O's" - she wanted Cheerios for breakfast!