Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

It seems the Edison was not a fan of Santa. Cute and horrifying at the same time.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Edison's 18 month appointment

Edison was scheduled for 5 shots at his 18 month appointment. Appearantly we missed the 15 month "immunization only" appointment. But we spaced them out where he got 3 now, and three in another month. Needless to say, he was not a fan.

As you can see he is a growing boy, I wonder where he gets that height? The doc says he looks great, walking, talking, signing. No signs of autism or any such behavioral diagnoses. So we are pretty happy.

Although we did discover he has outgrown his car seat. :-(

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Edison's New Word

Edison learned a new word today - "No". Though he primarily uses it in relation to his sister. To commemorate, I though I would list all the other words he knows and uses more often (at least all the ones I can think of). Momma, Dad, Edy, banana, bye bye, ginky (his word for binky/pacifier), bottle, apple, eat, hungry, all done and more (signs), poop, gorilla, dog, kitty cat, balloon, ball, guitar, help, bacon, and pancake. I'm sure there are more. I'll try to post when there is a new crop.

At the Market

He kids got heir hair cut yesterday in preparation for family portraits today. We went to Pike Place Market. Once we were done, Edison was the man about the market. Running up and down, buying fruit, stopping with Mom to watch he street buskers.

Edy Haircut

Edy got her hair cut for the first time in about 2 years, I think. Just evened it out, kept it pretty long. She gets to watch TV while she gets her hair cut - so it is a real treat for her. Edison also got his hair cut for the first time EVER. Mom was nervous, and she took all the pictures. I'll try to get her to post some.

Playing in Edison's Bed

Edy got into Edison's crib and the two started jumping up and down and playing with stuffys. After a little while they calmed down and Edy pretended to go to sleep. Edison likes to do the same - for a very short period of time. I they were in his loss for about 4 seconds, but I had the camera at the ready.


Edy and I went to a friends house for group trick-or-treating. Here are some pics. Edy was a mermaid - "Mermaid Seastar Princess" I believe was her full title. I went as iDad - a clever play on modern technology that I found amusing, but was not worth the hours I put I got the costume. Edy got quite a lot of candy, saying her arm was too tired to carry her bucket of candy home at the end of the evening. I told her if she didn't carry the bucket, she wouldn't get to eat the candy. She managed.

Zoo Again

This time it was the three of us at the zoo. Edy really likes to ride the historic carousel they have there. Edison, not so much.

Father and Son

A couple Fridays ago, I took an afternoon off and Edison and I went to the zoo. It was a little chilly. This was the end of the trip a the flamingos.

Lots to Post

Going to play a little catch up here. This one was taken by Mom, I don't know where, but it is so cute I had to post it. It is Edy with her BFF.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Edy says...

We are cleaning out he inside of the pumpkins to get ready for carving, and I am using the green spoon. There is a red spoon right next to me. Edy says "Daddy I want you to use the red spoon." I say say why sweetie, the red spoon is the same as the green one. Edy replies "Daddy, I love you but I don't like green."

Friday, September 14, 2012

Growing and Growing

Over the last week, I have noticed Edison becoming incredibly confident in his walking and navigating different types of surfaces. We have a lot of path surfaces -pavers, wood chips, grass, dirt, in our sloping yard. He has noticeably improved in the last week, where once he slowed down and tread carefully, now he tromps through without a thought. I'm sure next week he will just start running.

Watching (and noticing) these types of little things are what makes being a Dad so fun.

Of course, he also figured out how to crawl up onto Edy's bed all by himself, but doesn't really know how to get down. He's still trying to go head first. Not so fun.

Found the Best Cart in the Grocery store!


Charmin Edison

I must admit I taught him this. He had been doing it for about 3 minutes before I finally got the phone to record. Of course he saw I was recording... and moment over.

Birthday Sign

As part of the party prep, Edy and I made a Happy Birthday sign. Edy wrote all the letters in the middle (I did the ones on the end) and we both painted them in.

Edy drew some balloons before my name on the sign, and painted them the same light blue color as we painted my name. This prompted Mom to say that it looked like "P P P Michael".

So Edy made some corrections, then runs into tell me that she painted all the balloons red "so people wouldn't get confused".

Keith and kids

I had my pre-40th birthday party last weekend and my awesome wife got Keith, my oldest and best friend from high school, to fly up from Texas - a total surprise, and the best birthday present ever.

Keith is a dad of 2 girls (almost 3) and 1 boy, all older than my kids - and it showed. Edy and Edison warmed to him very quickly. We went to Swedish pancakes for breakfast with both kids, and Keith read a lot of fairy books to Edy. Every so often, she would let Edison get involved too.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Kids Dancing

From last week...

Edy is taking a little break from the Not-It's and is getting into Caspar Babypants music. It IS darn catchy.

These are Edison's early dance moves. He also like to bounce up and down in one spot.

What Edy Doesn't Know...

Edy was at camp one day last week, and Edison got hold of her favorite stuffy - her kitty that she sleeps with every night.

There are very few things that Edy can have whenever she wants, or can "take" from someone else if they are having a turn - her kitty is one and her special blanket is the other.

Edison was in their room, eyeing the kitty on Edy's bed. He reached for it, but before touching it, turned around and looked at Momma to see if it was OK. He always does this when he knows he's getting into something he's not supposed to. Since Edy wasn't home to take it away as soon as she saw him with it, Tashana let him have it.

He was so happy he got to carry it around for as long as he liked.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Edison Waves

Yesterday, Edison waved at me for the first time. Maybe it's all about distance.

We got back from the hardware store, and I put him in the front yard while I unloaded the propane tank and took it to the front porch. While I was on the porch, I waved to him in the yard about 40' away. He waved back!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Edison Walking!

Edison has finally started walking - Daddy's back be saved. He walked two steps Saturday and Sunday before last, but he is getting more confident and starting to walk on his own. He is even starting to walk uncoerced when he's in a good mood. This was on the 27th.

More Cute Edison

These are from mid-July


Edison didn't like the pepper bacon that came with breakfast, so he decided to dig into the slab of ham that came with Momma's meal.


I've got some catching up to do. I found today that I inadvertently changed a setting that caused all my emails to not post until I visited the web site. So this video is from July 17th. Edison is having fun on Edy's bed. You gotta practice falling down before you start walking.

Commentary on Dad's Drinking Habits

Edy brought me a pretend drink she made in the swimming pool the other day. It had some wood chips, dirt, sand, and some strawberry leaves with water in a cup all mixed together.
"Mmmmmm looks yummy" I said. "What is it?"
"Beer mixed with wine."

Kale and Blueberry Smoothie

Believe it or not, he actually likes this stuff. Unfortunately, he also insists on feeding himself with a spoon, which he hasn't quite learned how to do.

Blueberry and Kale Smoothie

Edy just finished her second cup. Whatever weird thing TK comes up with in the kitchen, Edy seems to love it.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Edison in the Pool

You can tell Edison is just terrified of the water. That splashing he does at the end of the second video is what he does practically non-stop in the bath tub. I have to close the shower curtain to protect myself.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

It Takes a While...

to post videos. I have to download them then upload them. It's exhausting.

But this video of the kids playing is worth it. Note Edison's hand coming off the chair and he's standing by himself for a bit. This one is from last week.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Edison's first swim class

He had a blast! We had intended to wait until he was older for the swim lessons but the place edy goes had a spot open up on the wait list and it was either take the spot or risk the new registration system they will start using next cycle so here we are in swim class. He was so excited and splashing like crazy. We expected him to fall asleep in the car on the way home but he made it home and the zonked out after his bottle.

Edy at swim class

She is turning in to quite the fish or mermaid as she tells me. She swam across the pool to her instructor that she is next to in the picture.

Better view of the chomped

Best swing ever and a view of the we top teeth

Hey I saw my big sister doing this.

Monday, June 11, 2012

At the Waterfront

Edy and Dad went to a mini-festival at Waterfront Park downtown. We had an adventure by taking the bus and walking through downtown to the park - which Edy thinks is the neatest thing.
The Not-it's we're playing, and there were carnival games, clowns and face painting. I though the face painting artist was very impressive. This was her interpretation of what Edy asked for - a rainbow. She did this in about 3 minutes. Some of the sharks and Spiderman tattoos others were getting looked very realistic, rather than cartoonish. Impressive.

Just Cute Pics

From about a week ago.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

At the Zoo Today

"This is a fairy dressed up as a tiger"

Sunday, May 13, 2012

At the Emergency Room

Edy had a very fun time at the Emergency room. I'm not joking, it wouldn't surprise me if she wanted to go back. With 106 fever and some vomiting, we decided to take her her in. By the time we got there, her fever as down to 101, and she was in good spirits.

So her ER visit consisted of watching TV in the lobby, having the doctor prescribe a Popsicle (to make sure no more vomiting), and watching more TV in the exam room, and then when they found out it was her birthday, she got her choice of Beanie Babies. Rough time.

Edy's Reduced Birthday Celebration

Since Edy had a fever, we did a small celebration at home and postponed her big party until June. Mom and Dad got her a bike that she is very excited to look at and is very nervous to ride. She got an ice cream cake as just Mom and Dad sang Happy Birthday.