Saturday, May 23, 2009

Edy Birthday!

On Saturday, we celebrated Edy's birthday - though I'm pretty sure Edy didn't really care. We had other friends there, and lots of munchkins running around. Since it was the first nice day of Spring, we had the whole event basically on the front lawn. NewMom's brother was also in town, and Edy's NewAunt Joanne was also here from down south in Oregon.

New Dad baked cupcakes and iced them himself. I will show her these pictures when she is 15 and yells at me that I never do anything foe her. I can tell her I made cupcakes!
More to come...

NewGrandmom Visits

NewGrandMom came up a few days before Edy's birthday and hung out in our basement since we didn't have renter. OK, maybe she didn't hang out there, but she did stay down there at night, and I think it all worked out OK. She had her own bed and kitchen, it was like a mini-hotel.

NewGrandMom babysat, went with Edy and NewDad to the Children's Museum, went to the park, and helped set up for her Birthday party. Not to mention all the cleaning and dishdoing in between. It was great having her here.

Out of Towners

The weekend before Edy's birthday, we had some out of towners come in from Portland and Monroe. Bev (who married NewMom and NewDad) came north, and Bridget and Michael came south. It seems we only got pictures of about half of them. Edy didn't quite know what to make of all the new faces. NewGrandpa Stan was visiting also.

Out at the Locks (Sort of)

We never actually got to the Ballard Locks on this trip. It was a little cold and Edy was getting sleepy and cranky - we made it as far as Me 'n' Moms, a used baby clothing store, which is just down the block. These were taken outside the visitors center, after we all had a healthy lunch of chowder, and fish and chips from the take-out place across the street. Yes, Edy does like french fries.
We also are showing ff our brand new stroller (OK, new to us - it was a Craigslist purchase). It has the ability to have the baby facing you while you push, instead of always facing forward. In our other face-forward stroller, it seemed Edy was always extremely bored, so we tried this one. Maybe she outgrew the phase, but she seems fine facing either way now. This stroller also has a really cool tray in front where she can eat, and the all important coffee cup holders. :)

Standing and Walking

These pictures are from April 23rd. Edy is getting more sure-footed about walking, and standing in no problem whatsoever. She seems to be better at walking than she thinks she is, but crawling is still the quicker way to travel right now.

Long Time, No blog...

Well, it's been over a month, and many things have happened. Edy turned 1, there was a Birthday party, she is making her first sign, she eats with a fork (sort of), NewGrandmom was here, and so is the summer so lots of new activities outside. See all the posts and pictures that follow...