Friday, January 10, 2014

Hide and Seek

In the bathroom with Mom and Dads robes. Note the big boy underwear.

Just Chillin'

Still in November.

School Science Fair

Still posting from back in October. Edy's school has a science bent, so one of their fundraising activities is a fair with science themed exhibits and games. They had snail races and chickens to feed in addition to oscilloscopes and microscopes.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Me and My Boy

At the park, still from back in October. We look so much alike!

Monday, January 6, 2014

With the Big Boys

We were at Jane Addams (Edy's school) playground, and Edison spotted a soccer ball and went for it. They let him kick it around with them and somehow he managed not to get hit in the head. Yes, that's him on the left.

Artwork by Edy

Edy and Edison really like drawing on a whiteboard I brought home from my last job. I thought this one from Nov was pretty cool.

Daddy / Daughter Trip to the ID

Unfortunately, we missed the fortune cookie store closing by 10
minutes. We took the bus downtown, found a cool play structure In Westlake Plaza that I didn't know existed, and brought home Chinese food for dinner.

Edison having fun on the window.

I don't know who taught him that.

Crazy Cakelettes!

Time to catch up on posting!

For the first half of the school year, Edy was taking a class on cake decorating. She already passed the class on cake eating, though she used those skills in this class too. Here are some samples of her work.