Sunday, September 29, 2013

Edison Fresh from the Bath

Or is it Billy Grahm at a toga party? It's so hard to tell.

Edy Sleeping

Taken about two days ago. She was snuggling with her kitty. This is the best picture the iPhone can manage. I suppose it's not too bad considering no flash.

First NW Bike Ride

It has been raining all weekend, and we were getting a little stir crazy cooped up inside the house. So today we took our first bike ride (in the rain) of the rainy season. We just bought a tag-a-long bike - one of those that attach to the back of the adult bike and the smaller kids can ride and pedal - Edy loved it. We went to Cafe Javasti and had a hot chocolate. Great trip.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

On the beach

In sunny California, er, Seattle yesterday. We we to Golden Gardens and played in the sand. 85 degrees and breezy. Perfect weather.

Kindergarten Class

Edy went to 1/2 day jump start the week before last. Last Wednesday, we went to the school open house and met the teacher to whose class Edy was assigned, and saw her classroom. Her teacher is Ms. Anderson, and this is Edy in her seat.

She is so looking forward to kindergarten.