Saturday, July 30, 2011

He's Our Baby

Edy was telling her friend that was over today about Edison. She told her "You can touch him, but he is our baby. You can't take him home with you. He's our baby." At least she's not trying to sell him to the gypsies, at least not consciously.

He's not shrinking

Almost 15 lbs at 2 months old. We've got to look it up, but I don't think Edy hit 15 lbs until about 5 months. I think he is about half her weight right now.

One of My Favorite Ways...

to have Edison nap. On this occasion, he took a two and a half hour nap while laying on my chest. Awesome. The napkin is from where Mom served me lunch. Joy. The only downfall is that at some time, even Dad has to go to the potty.

A Lot of Catching Up

So we got a new camera, which means the iPhone has not been the primary photographic documentation; which means I have to sit in front of the computer blah blah blah excuse excuse. Here are some recent pics and happenings...

Momma and Edison. He is almost consistently holding his head up on his own at 6 weeks.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Our Baby is Growing Up

Today was the first day of Zoo Camp. Edy went all by herself for 3 hours to the zoo and did lots of cool things. It was the first time she went by herself some place for that long where we/she didn't already know someone.

She told Mom she wanted her to go with her to camp, and then she took all of ten minutes of having fun to realize she didn't need Mom around. She's all grown up already. :-(

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Couple of Firsts

Last night, Dad got to put Edison to sleep for the night for the first time. He downed 6 oz of fresh Momma's Milk before zoning out for 8 hours! - another first! I won't pretend to think there was any causation, at least not publicly.

Unfortunately, he went out at 8, and Mom and Dad didn't get to bed until 11, so we didn't get the 8 hours of sleep, but still promising!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Look Dad! Ladybugs!

Edy Dancing

At Seattle Center. Photo credit to Auntie Ann.

Pic Fix

Sorry I haven't been posting more we got a new camera and we have been taking photos on hat one instead of my phone.