Friday, July 18, 2014

Chilling by the Grandma's Pool

It has been hot in Seattle the past few weeks - no rain and in the 90's earlier this week. Lucky for us, Grandma Tonjia has a pool at her apartment complex that she lets us use.

Here are the kids relaxing (and warming up in the sunshine) after a swim. Of course, as soon as they see pictures being taken, silly things start to happen.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Safety First

I've described my job in Construction Management to Edy and Edison as "I tell the workers on the construction site what to do, and answer questions they have if they don't know how to do it."

Edison has been to the jobsite and seen the excavators and dump trucks and other heavy equipment, and he was very excited.

This morning before leaving for work, I gave Edison a kiss, said goodbye and told him to have a good day. He responded by saying bye, then bringing my ear close to his and telling me "Tell the workers don't get smushed by the big machines."

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fourth of July Camping Part 2

We cooked all of our meals over the open fire, roasted marshmallows, and played down by the river. Edy and Edison even managed to find a dead fish to examine.

The last two times we stayed in a yurt. This time we got the refitted shipping container, which was small but pretty good to stay in. It was hot and could have used screens on all the windows to keep the bugs out.

Edison managed to burn his toes on the fire pit, which was not much fun. It wasn't too bad, however, since he seems all healed up as of yesterday. We all managed to get home safely and in one piece beyond that.

The other great part about this campground is that is was a 15 minute walk to the fireworks show, which both the kids managed to stay awake for after 2 1/2 hour naps that afternoon. We think we might go back next year if we can get a reservation. Anyone care to join?

Fourth of July Camping Trip Part 1

Last weekend we spent the 4th of July at Tolt-McDonald State Park. It was our third visit there, but this time there were Independence Day activities in the nearby town of Carnation.

We met friends at the campground for dinner and guitar playing and sandbox playing. We walked into town to ride in the kid's parade, then watch the Grande Parade with so many tractors and horses the kids were in awe.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Fun x 3

Sprinklers are fun. Trampolines are fun. Jump ropes are fun. Let's combine them all together and have 3 times the fun!

Edy thought we should try putting the sprinkler under the trampoline to see what would happen, and it turns out it shoots through it, and makes little water mist rainbow too. Since the sprinkler goes back and forth, there was a game invented where you have to jump over and around the water.

And the jump rope was just thrown in for good measure.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Adorable! Best Show My Daughter Has Ever Done

...were the reviews given by the crowd watching a group of 5-7 year olds sing.

Edy went to Broadway Bound theatre camp last week - every day from 9-3, which culminated in a performance of songs from the movie "Frozen" on Friday. Each little girl, (there were no boys) did a little acting part introduction before the song, then they sang the songs as a group, including hand motions.

Just after the performance, I asked Edy how she felt and if she was nervous. She told "I was really nervous right before I got on the stage, but then I got really excited." An actor in the making!

That is Edy just to the right of the microphone stand while some other girls are doing their acting introduction. I will post some videos if I can get them uploaded to the blog.