Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Awesome Father's Day

Had a great Fathers Day last weekend. Got up late to blueberry pancakes and enough bacon that I actually got to eat some. I had the kids all day while Mom worked, and they were great.

When Mom got home we went to the park very briefly because Edy has been itching to use her pedal bike without training wheels. I heard from another dad that a great training field was on the playfields where they have that fake turf made of  recycled rubber bits with the fake plastic grass on top. Nice and smooth, no bumps, no hills, and if you fall down, much less damage.

So this is Edy on her bike, after a push from Mom, riding like a champ.

The video is jumping around because I am running in front of her. She's awesome. For a less stomach turning  view, try this one:

She didn't fall once, which I'm sure helped her confidence, though now she is scared to ride on the sidewalk or the street I think I sold the "won't hurt if you fall on the grass" a little too much.

Anyway, then went home to a good bottle of wine, steak and crab all prepared by my lovely wife. Outstanding day.

Oh, and if you can't see the video over email, go to